Commissioned Celebrity Portraits

  (click on image to enlarge)


Alice_Cooper_painting_backstage.jpg (298313 bytes)             Rod and Ceravolo.jpg (579363 bytes)    

                                                               Alice Cooper with Ceravolo                                                        Rod Stewart with his 1st of three paintings                                        





Me and Dorothy Web.jpg (1086520 bytes)            Me and Elton_Portrait_page_website.jpg (118715 bytes)    

             Roy Lichtenstein Portrait                                                 Ceravolo and Elton John with his portrait    


  Me and Hef with anniversary portrait web close up.jpg (265521 bytes)            David Brenner_webpage.jpg (374121 bytes)

Hugh M. Hefner                                                                                  David Brenner 


Monique_web.jpg (722761 bytes)                  Hef and Christie with painting Web.jpg (1108644 bytes)

          Monique Van Vooren                                Hefner as young boy  



           Other Paintings by Ceravolo

(Click on image to enlarge) 

Marilyn and the Gopher 72x50 Large email.jpg (725761 bytes)     Hidden Monroe (Tracy and Marilyn) 46x40 email .jpg (675063 bytes)     Marilyn and the Playmate web 1.jpg (891632 bytes)     Little helper 66x60 web.jpg (914217 bytes) 

                                                                                                                  Marilyn and the Gopher 72x50        Hidden Marilyn 46x38           Marilyn and the Playmate 46x38            My little Helper   66x60


Lebron painting 72x46  web.jpg (1655705 bytes)          Playing with Jagger web.jpg (1671502 bytes)          Elvis web.jpg (1226581 bytes)

Lebron James 72x46                     Playing with Jagger 62x52                               Elvis 62x50                  


Hidden Nude Ava web.jpg (509672 bytes)         The Real Mona  web.jpg (668771 bytes)         Hidden Nude Dona web.jpg (530014 bytes)

                                                                                                                  Hidden Nude Ava   46x38                     The Real Mona  66x66                         Hidden Nude Dona


         Cleopatra Theda web.jpg (916678 bytes)    The Embrace website.jpg (1223988 bytes)    The Silent Star web.jpg (1403638 bytes)    Masquerade web.jpg (808544 bytes) 

 "Cleopatra Theda"  54"x46"x6"           " The Embrace" 67"x50"                "The Silent Star"                       "Masquerade" 84"x84"x6      



 Wild Bill.jpg (629393 bytes)     Embrace too .jpg (1201616 bytes)      Ceravolo_Wyatt_Earp_painting.JPG (186286 bytes)     

  "Double Wild Bill's"    53" x 80"                                   "Embrace Too"                            "Wyatt Earp" 



 Timothy_jordan.jpg (367324 bytes)      painting_Ty_cobb_coke.JPG (45301 bytes)      Baseball Email Joe D.jpg (540351 bytes) 

"Timothy Jordan" Brooklyn 1910, 66x48"                    Ty Cobb "Early Investments"                                                      "Joe D"   68" x 64"         




E-mail_Mystique.jpg (250576 bytes)       C-Cathy+open_jacket_72dpi_pinup.jpg (407869 bytes)       Ava72dpi_pinup.jpg (593664 bytes)

"Mystique"   50"x80"                                                                               "The Seduction" 72"x46"                                                                "Allure"  30"x40" 



Email Ceravolo working on The Silent Star painting web .jpg (549290 bytes)       Jackson Brown Palladium web.jpg (317933 bytes)       Bobby Jones web.jpg (693214 bytes)

Ceravolo working on "The Silent Star"                         Jackson Brown at The Palladium                Bobby Jones Plays Atlantic   



Sunglasses and Diamonds web.jpg (572729 bytes)       Gothic women for webpage.jpg (655545 bytes)       Hopscotch drive in web.jpg (795139 bytes)



Click on the above images to enlarge




 Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the Artwork of Ceravolo. 631-726-2523




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One of a kind Bracelets

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